Maine Hunting & Fishing Regulations

Maine State Hunting and Fishing Regulations

Located at the northeastern tip of the United States, Maine offers a wide variety of hunting opportunities. The state is home to the tallest animal in North America, the moose. Hunting permits for moose are drawn from a lottery system. Aside from the lottery system, Maine is home to white-tailed deer, bear, turkey, ruffed grouse, quail, bobcat, fox, and coyote. Maine’s marshes and lakes provide a perfect setting for duck hunting, while the coastline is a prime location for world-class sea duck hunting.

With some of the purest freshwater bodies in the United States, and thousands of miles of rivers and streams, Maine is a near perfect spot for fishing and for escaping the rush with some of the most secluded and scenic locations. For those with a saltwater itch, Maine has plenty to offer, including the state’s claim to fame, lobster. Common catches in Maine include yellow perch, striped bass, brook trout, smallmouth bass, cero mackerel, and pollock. Other fish species fishermen can hope to find in Maine are bluefish, bluefin tuna, rainbow trout, brown trout, lake trout, pike, landlocked Atlantic salmon, bullheads, black crappie, and various species of sunfish.

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